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I studied Electronics Engineering in college from 2010 till 2014. In my final year, I started working at a Building Automation startup on Z-Wave protocol. They were trying to create something like this. I owned comms with Alibaba hardware manufacturers, testing, Android App Development, Lua Scripting, act as liaison with UI Design consultant, etc.

In 2015, I started working at a leading IT Indian bluechip company Infosys as corporate trainer for 4 years. I learnt and taught Mainframes, Test Automation, Oops, CI-CD, etc. to freshers and existing employees. I also created curricula for these courses and evaluation tools.

I was quite satisfied with teaching. But I became comfortable and started missing hustle at a startup. So started work at Springboard since 2018. For close to 2 years I ensured quality in new feature releases. I pioneered automated Visual Tests at Springboard using, worked very closely with Business teams to answer product behaviour queries, fix production bugs.

I created invoice management using Vue.js + Django for Springboard India mentors as a side project in my spare time. My goal was to just learn software engineering and pivot from Test Engineer. But I learnt a plethora of things as a side effect of doing it. Product Management, UX design, talking to customers, getting their feedback, iterating and relaunching V2.

So I am en route to become a Product Manager and solo entrepreneur.

In general, I like solving problems using Code and feel gratified when my product is useful to others.

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